Thursday, February 14, 2013

Digital Storytelling--Attempt #2

I've transferred the story that I told through Storify into something closer to what I had imagined: animated wheels with googley eyes, lots of movement, play, and while the story is very basic, the action will hopefully engage the viewer. This format still isn't what I imagine, with the wheels actually animated. I will have to look for more information on that To make this video, I used the following steps: 1. Drew the story in InDesign 2. Saved the story as a .pdf 3. Extracted each page 4. Saved each page as .jpg 5. Cropped and added captions in Picaso 6. Transferred the jpgs to Microsoft Movie Maker and saved to computer 7. Uploaded to my own Youtube channel using Picaso Some thoughts about digital storytelling: I've been pondering the question of why digital storytelling was included in this course. I've, at the same time, been researching Digital Fluency for a paper I'm writing for my grad course on Education and Technology. I think the two are connected. To move from being consumers, digitally literate, we need to become producers, digitally fluent. This exercise helped me consider tools that I might use to become a producer.

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